Please contact us at 866-693-0221 if you are interested in selling our product line in your retail store. This custom retail display takes up approximately one square foot of space and has proven to sell over $200 per week!
See what others are saying:
We are always looking for the next wonderful item that people are going to want! We found that with the Infinity Headbands. Moms, grandmoms and young girls alike are loving them...once they have the headband, it generates additional sales adding new straps and embellishments!! Initial sales are usually a headband, 3 straps and 3 or 4 embellishments. Great birthday party gifts for them to give each other too. We love the compact display and the "shop ability " of it! We have ours right by our Vera area... It has been a great addition to our store! We love it!!!
Marion Mitchell, Owner of Marion's, St. Petersburg, FL
Celebrating our 25th year of business
Infinity Bands have been selling extremely well and the kids love being able to pick out their own colors and add various embellishments to change the look so easily. It was a great stocking stuffer at Christmas and is also selling well as birthday gifts. The price point is perfect and is quite a value when you consider you are really getting multiple headbands while only having to purchase one.
~ Hillary Norman
Vice President – The Hobbie Horse, Jacksonville, FL