One Clever Cookie 🍪
Who doesn't love a delicious cookie? Better yet, multiple cookies that spell out a personal message!
Sweet messages that make you smile...
From the moment I met Holly Noah, founder of Eat Your Words Custom Cookies, and saw her unique cookie messages I knew this was something I wanted to share with the world (or at least my world 😉)!
Here I was... at an event with over 300 women in search of personal growth, networking, and friendship and I meet this woman who brought cookies spelling out "Girl Power" and "Strong Girls Rule". How could I not be excited about that?? (Did I mention these cookie messages were presented in a beautiful "Tiffany Blue" box? ❤️)
The really cool thing about these message cookies is that you can say anything you want!
TAKE A HIKE (ok, maybe you don't send that message in a cookie box 😳)
Use Code: INSPIRED! for $3 off
The possibilities are endless. You can also have cookies made with a photo or a logo on them to make it super personalized! Check out this awesome sweet moment celebrating a young man with 100 wrestling match wins...
or the young man who signed to play basketball for Kings Point...
The Woman Who Lives for and Creates Sweet Moments
I don't know about you, but I like learning the nitty gritty about women that inspire me. So I invited Holly to lunch - I wanted to dig a little deeper into the hows and whys of her business (see below)...and then I had the opportunity to visit her brand new production facility. (Would you believe that up until a few weeks ago, she was cooking everything in her own home kitchen?!?)
**Don't you feel like you are on the inside? Just knowing of a business that is going to be a household name one day - and you can say "oh yeah...I started sending sweet cookie messages when she was just a small business" 😉
The Nitty Gritty
AF: What inspired the idea for EAT YOUR WORDS CUSTOM COOKIES?
HN: My great-grandmother started a bakery in Pittsburgh back in 1916 and grew it to 13 locations around the city. She successfully ran the business for nearly 70 years, so I guess you could say that baking was in my blood.
In 1996 a friend gave me some alphabet cookie cutters (because her daughter no longer wanted them). I used them for fun but had no idea I would be running a business with those cookie cutters. (Although I have to admit, I scribbled out a business plan back in 1998 and tucked it away - forgetting about it until nearly 20 years later)
AF: Did you have a business background?
HN: I spent 20 years in marketing roles in corporate America before I made the big leap to become an entrepreneur.
AF: What made you decide to make that bold move?
HN: As a single mom I've spent most of my life working long hours for other people. All along I was baking cookies for my friends and family, simply because I loved doing it. And, everyone told me they were delicious cookies!
It wasn't until a group of friends from my Key Women's Forum strongly encouraged me to take a chance, that I went digging for the business plan that had been tucked away and forgotten.
AF: Who does your website and marketing?
HN: I do it all. I built my website, I do all my social media and advertising. I have had some help with production and packaging during the extremely busy times, but for the most part, I am a one-woman show.
*Note - at the time I'm writing this, Holly is acquiring additional staff to help with her expanding business 🤗
Check out these scrumptious cookies made just for Inspired Elements Co.... that you are thinking of all the people and occasions you could send these cookies for, we are going to make your day a little sweeter!
Outstanding drive and messages that are role models to so many! Congratulations on your vision and expansion!
Thank you for getting the word out about this remarkable woman’s business! 💕❤️💕